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30-Minute Meals 2: Fresh Oranges with Lime Sorbet

An example of the type of desserts that Rachael Ray goes for: a little fresh fruit, some store-bought sorbet, and voila! You're good to go.

Baking clearly isn't one of Ray's strong suits. This refreshing combination of oranges and sorbet is one of the simplest desserts in the book. In other desserts, she often adds cookies or liqueur to fruit or store-bought cake. For a somewhat more involved dessert from 30-Minute Meals 2, try Warm Cherry, Orange, and Cranberry Compote with Vanilla Ice Cream.

The original recipe calls for "naval" oranges. The kind who go off to sea, I suppose...

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Yield: 4 servings

2 large navel oranges
1 pint lime, lemon, or other fruit sorbet

Trim a piece of skin off the top and bottom of each orange, then cut in half crosswise. Section each half as you would a grapefruit. Set oranges upright and top each half orange with sorbet. The halved, sectioned oranges double as the dessert bowls for the sorbet.



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