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From My Kitchen: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

If you're carving up a few pumpkins today, try roasting the seeds. They taste great and are a fun counterpoint to all the sugar you and the kids will be eating later.

Slow roasting is the key to success, since it takes a while for the seeds to get really crisp. Cooking in an oven that's too hot will lead to burnt, flabby seeds.

The proportions given in the recipe are approximations. Use the oil or butter sparingly, and stir the seeds often. It could take up to an hour and a half for them to get really crisp, but it's time well spent. Happy Halloween!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: up to 90 minutes
Yield: varies

Seeds from one or more pumpkins
Olive oil or melted butter
Popcorn salt

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.

Remove all the fibers and pulp from the pumpkin seeds and wash them in a colander. Drain well, then rub the seeds in a kitchen towel to remove moisture.

In a large bowl, pour a small amount of olive oil or melted butter over the seeds and stir to coat. For about 1 cup of seeds, use approximately 1 tsp of oil -- you just want them coated enough for the salt to stick. Sprinkle the seeds with popcorn salt and toss to coat well. Place the seeds on a baking sheet and roast in the oven until golden and crisp. Stir every 10 minutes, and start testing for doneness after about 45 minutes. The roasting could take up to 90 minutes.



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